21 Day Usui Reiki Cleanse and Chakra Clearing

The Process of the 21 Day Reiki Cleanse lasts three weeks. It starts on the same day that the attunement is received. Each day you perform a self-healing, followed by cleansing one of the main chakras each day for a total of three times each over 21 days.
- Emotional release (laughter, crying, anger, etc).
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Heightened senses
- Mood swings
- Vivid dreams
- Restless sleep
- Change in sex drive
Preparing For The 21 Day Reiki Cleanse. Start with a clear intention to guide you on this journey. Are you seeking clarity, healing from a past trauma, or do you just want to understand yourself better and balance your energies?
Remember to create a sacred space for your daily sessions that is free from distractions. Set aside a specific time each day so the cleanse becomes a special ritual for you.
1. Acknowledge the need for healing.
2. Center yourself. - Use the Gassho to bring your attention inward.
3. Statement of Intent. Ask, "Reiki energy, please balance and cleanse m chakras for my highest good and purest of intentions."
4. Heal daily chakra
5. Begin cleansing with the statement, "Reiki energy, please blanace and cleanse my chakras for my highest good and purest of intentions."
6. Balance the Third Eye and Sacral Chakras. Place one hand on the Third Eye Chakra and one on the Sacral Chakra. Bring awareness to the sensation in your hands, as well as the energy in the chakra centers. Keep your hands in place while noticing the different energies in each chakra (differences in temperature, sensation, magnetism, etc.) Remain in this position until the energies feel balanced. Treat both front and back of each chakra.
7. Balance Throat and Solar Plexus chakras in the same way.
8. Heal the Heart Chakra. Bring your awareness to your heart, and all the chakras above and below. Is the Heart Chakra energy being pulled to the upper chakras or being pushed down to the lower chakras? If you are feeling unbalanced, then move the hands to the necessary chakras to bring them into alignment. when your hands can rest on the heart chakra and feel the energy flow in and out of that chakra then cleansing is complete.
9. Seal the energy. Ask, "Reiki energy, please seal this healing energy for my highest good and purest intention.
10. Gratitude
11. Sweep Aura
12. Ground
13. Journal your experience.
Day 1 - Self healing then cleanse the 1st chakra - Root/Base Chakra.
Day 2 - Self healing then cleanse the 2nd chakra - Sacral Chakra.
Day 3 - Self healing then cleanse the 3rd chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra.
Day 4 - Self healing then cleanse the 4th chakra - Heart Chakra.
Day 5 - Self healing then cleanse the 5th chakra - Throat Chakra.
Day 6 - Self healing then cleanse the 6th chakra - Brow/Third Eye Chakra.
Day 7 - Self healing then cleanse the 7th chakra - Crown Chakra.
Allow the process to unfold naturally for you without judgment. You will experience only that which is needed to elevate your own awareness. It's important to nurture yourself and treat yourself to what makes you feel good. Remember Self Care during your 21 Day Reiki Cleanse. Here are a few suggestions:
- Perform a daily Gassho meditation followed by reiki self-healing treatment. Perform the Reiki Three Diamonds Technique, the Three Pillars, the Hatsurei Ho and basic hand positions daily. These are good to open yourself to the reiki energy and to help develop a natural flow of reiki. Practicing these meditations before you cleanse, can greatly help to draw the reiki energy into and through you.
- Drink plenty of water
- Give yourself a self-care treatment every week. For example, an Epsom salt bath with your favorite essential oils. Add in some flower petals and/or crystals to your bath to make it extra soothing.
- Get a massage
- Spend time at the beach or park
- Engage in relaxing activities in nature or with people you love
- Go on a silent walking meditation for 15 minutes or more
- Journal daily
- Chant, sing listen to inspiring music
- Dance or exercise (move your body)
What you should avoid during 21 day cleanse:
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Excessive caffeine
- High sugar and salty foods
The symptoms slowly diminish after the 21 days. Performing the Gasho meditation and reiki self-healing treatment will support you in the process and can be continued after the 21 days.
To begin call on Reiki to flow through your hands. Practice a short Gassho meditation.
How to Do the Gassho Meditation
While this may look like many steps, this meditation is actually very simple, and once mastered, it will become second nature to you!
Step 1:
Sit down (or it can also be done standing), with your spine straight, but still comfortable, and your head in a neutral, upright position. You don’t want to strain in any way to achieve this posture. If you have any back problems or if find it difficult to sit still, you can try sitting on a straight back chair, backed by a few pillows for extra comfort. You can also sit on a cushion on the floor with your back against a wall. Or you could even meditate while lying down on a sofa or bed. However, you may find that you fall asleep, which does not serve the same purpose as meditation!
Step 2:
Close your eyes and place hands together with palms touching in front of the middle of your chest, with your thumbs touching your heart chakra. When you breathe out through your nose, your breath should be touching your fingertips.
Step 3:
Focus your attention at the point where your 2 middle fingers meet. Let go of everything else. If your mind wanders, acknowledge the thought, then let it go and just refocus by returning your attention to the point where your middle fingers meet. Don’t try to not think anything. Watch your thoughts as if you’re watching a movie or watching someone else. Just gently brush them aside. Always come back to watching the point between your middle fingers. Make sure to keep your hands relaxed, meaning that you’re not holding any tension in them or straining to press them together.
Step 4:
You may find it uncomfortable to hold your hands up in front of your chest in Gassho position for 15-30 minutes. If this is the case, then simply let your hands, while still keeping them together, slowly drop and rest in your lap. Then just continue your meditation.
Step 5:
You may observe energy in the form of heat, cold or images. It’s okay to notice it, but then let it go and just return to your focal point of the tips of your two middle fingers. Don’t get caught up in any sensations. If you need to adjust your posture, then move slowly, deliberately and consciously.
Step 6:
While still keeping your eyes closed, slowly rest your hands in your lap and enjoy this peaceful feeling for a couple more minutes. Know that you carry this peace and quiet inside your heart always. It is always accessible to you whenever you decide to practice the Gassho Meditation.
Step 7:
Now take a couple of deep breaths and bring your attention to your eyes, opening them slowly. When you have complete Gassho, place your hands on these parts of your body:
Crown/top of head
Third Eye/middle of forehead
Heart/middle of chest
Solar Plexus/upper stomach
Sacral Center/lower stomach
Root/hips and base tailbone
How long does Reiki Take to clear a Chakra? - It takes about 3 days for the energy to move through each of the seven chakras and this is the reason for the cleansing taking 21 days.
Week 1 - The Physical Cleanse. Detox and Release. The issues brought up during this week relate to one's personal perspective. This is the physical cleanse. This week is about letting go. Focus on releasing pent-up negative energy. Suppressed feeling may come to the surface that need to be released.
Day 1 - Self healing then cleanse the 1st chakra - Root/Base Chakra.
Day 2 - Self healing then cleanse the 2nd chakra - Sacral Chakra.
Day 3 - Self healing then cleanse the 3rd chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra.
Day 4 - Self healing then cleanse the 4th chakra - Heart Chakra.
Day 5 - Self healing then cleanse the 5th chakra - Throat Chakra.
Day 6 - Self healing then cleanse the 6th chakra - Brow/Third Eye Chakra.
Day 7 - Self healing then cleanse the 7th chakra - Crown Chakra.
Week 2 - The second week involves more issues related to community and outside relationships. This is the mental/cleanse. Week 2 delves deeper into the self-healing process. Work on aligning the chakras to ensure the flow of "ki" and to harmonize the internal flow of energy bringing about a sense of balance and inner calm.
Day 8 - Self healing then cleanse the 1st chakra - Root/Base Chakra.
Day 9 - Self healing then cleanse the 2nd chakra - Sacral Chakra.
Day 10 - Self healing then cleanse the 3rd chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra.
Day 11 - Self healing then cleanse the 4th chakra - Heart Chakra.
Day 12 - Self healing then cleanse the 5th chakra - Throat Chakra.
Day 13 - Self healing then cleanse the 6th chakra - Brow/Third Eye Chakra.
Day 14 - Self healing then cleanse the 7th chakra - Crown Chakra.
Day 15 - Self healing then cleanse the 1st chakra - Root/Base Chakra.
Day 16 - Self healing then cleanse the 2nd chakra - Sacral Chakra.
Day 17 - Self healing then cleanse the 3rd chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra.
Day 18 - Self healing then cleanse the 4th chakra - Heart Chakra.
Day 19 - Self healing then cleanse the 5th chakra - Throat Chakra.
Day 20 - Self healing then cleanse the 6th chakra - Brow/Third Eye Chakra.
Day 21 - Self healing then cleanse the 7th chakra - Crown Chakra.

The chakras and the endocrine glands are directly related.
- Root chakra (1st) — Reproductive glands (testes in men; ovaries in women); controls sexual development and secretes sex hormones. Support. Physical Body. Primal Power. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 1; Week 2, Day 8; Week 3, Day 15.- Color - Red.
- Sacral chakra (2nd) — Adrenal glands; regulates the immune system and metabolism. Sex. Creativity. Intimacy. Ego. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 2; Week 2, Day 9; Week 3, Day 16. Color - Orange.
- Solar Plexus chakra (3rd) — Pancreas; regulates metabolism. Emotions/Gut Feelings. Feelings for other people. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 3; Week 2, Day 10; Week 3, Day 17. Color - Yellow.
- Heart chakra (4th) — Thymus gland; regulates the immune system. Sef Love. Love (general). Compassion. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 4; Week 2, Day 11; Week 3, Day 18. Color - Green.
- Throat chakra (5th) — Thyroid gland; regulates body temperature and metabolism. Communication. Expression. Responsibility. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 5; Week 2, Day 12; Week 3, Day 19. Color - Blue.
- Third Eye chakra (6th) — Pituitary gland; produces hormones and governs the function of the previous five glands; sometimes, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra as well as to the crown chakra. Ideas. The mind (general). Purpose. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 6; Week 2, Day 13; Week 3, Day 20. Color - Indigo or Purple.
- Crown chakra (7th) — Pineal gland; regulates biological cycles, including sleep. Color Integration. Higher Mind Direction. Potential issues can arise during Week 1, Day 7; Week 2, Day 14; Week 3, Day 21. Color - Violet.
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