Reiki Membership Association

The following information and links is from the International Center for Reiki Training. You contact them directly to join.
There are two levels of membership available. Please carefully read the membership requirements and benefits below which explains what you are required to do as an RMA member and the benefits you'll receive at each level of membership. This will show you which type of membership you are qualified for. Essentially, if you’ve taken Reiki I&II and ART/Master from one of our Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs) you’re qualified to be a professional member. Please make sure your teacher(s) are ICRT Licensed by using the drop down menu. Otherwise, if you’re a Reiki master through another school or teacher you’re qualified to be an Affiliate member. You must be a Reiki Master Teacher to join.
Affiliate Member Requirements
Affiliate members must abide by the following requirements:
- Use ICRT class manuals purchased from the store when teaching Reiki I, II, ART, Master and Karuna Reiki® classes. One manual must be provided to each student.
- Abide by the RMA Code of Ethics.
- Abide by the RMA Standards of Practice.
- Pay yearly dues of $129.00.
- Place the RMA logo on member’s web site home page (if member has a web site).
- Affiliate members must be Usui Reiki masters. Reiki training must have taken place with teacher in person. Online training for Reiki I & II and Reiki Master is acceptable for qualification as long as it is with someone who's lineage is with the ICRT.
- Use the title of Affiliate member of the RMA or Affiliate member of the Reiki Membership Association in their advertising and literature.
Affiliate Member Benefits
- Subscription to the Reiki News Magazine.
- Affiliate members will have a one-line listing on the Reiki Practitioners and Teachers web page. Listing will include members Name, City, State, Zip Code, Email button.
- Membership certificate.
- Use of the RMA brochure and holder to advertise sessions and classes.
- Use of the RMA logo for one's web site, letter head paper or business cards.
- Use of helpful articles on how to develop your Reiki business written by those who have thriving Reiki practices.
- Use of forms needed for Reiki sessions and in classes.
- Upgrade – Affiliate members can upgrade to Professional Membership as soon as the additional requirements are met with no additional membership fee required.
Professional Member Requirements
Professional members must abide by the following requirements:
- Professional Members must have taken Reiki I&II and ART/Master from a License Reiki Master Teacher. Please look for your teacher on the drop-down list. If your teacher(s) aren’t on this list and you are a Reiki master, you qualify for the Affiliate program.
- Use ICRT class manuals purchased from the store when teaching Reiki I, II, ART, Master and Karuna Reiki® classes. One manual must be provided to each student.
- Abide by the RMA Code of Ethics.
- Abide by the RMA Standards of Practice.
- Pay yearly dues of $129.00.
- Place the RMA logo on member’s web site home page (if member has a web site).
- Use the title of Professional member of the RMA or Professional member of the Reiki Membership Association in their advertising and literature.
Professional Member Benefits
- Subscription to the Reiki News Magazine.
- Professional members will have a listing on the Reiki Practitioners and Teachers web page. Listing will include members Name, City, State, Zip Code, states/provinces member teaches/practices in and an Email button.
- Membership certificate.
- Use of the RMA brochure and holder to advertise sessions and classes.
- Use of the RMA logo for one's web site, letter head paper or business cards.
- Use of helpful articles on how to develop your Reiki business written by those who have thriving Reiki practices.
- Use of forms needed for Reiki sessions and in classes.
- Ability to print student certificates from the web site. If the member has a Reiki center the name of their center will appear at the top of the certificate. An additional fee of $5.00 is charged per certificate.
- Student Database – database of class, location, student name, email address.
You Must Be a Reiki Master Teacher to Join